Update to the BSUPA AGM Agenda planned for Saturday 25th March 2023. Please see the following details.

Please note the following details for the BSUPA AGM Agenda on Saturday 25th March 2023.

1.1 Minutes of the last General Meeting & Matters Arising
1.2 Report of the Chairman
1.3 Report on the finances of the Association
1.4 Report on attendance at meetings since the last Annual General
Meeting by members of the Board
1.5 Elections to the Board
1.6 Any other business

Proposed changes to Articles of Association.

22 Board to be a mixture of executive and non-executive: Unless otherwise
determined by ordinary resolution in General Meeting, all of the Directors of the
Association (including the Chairman) shall be a mixture of executive and non-executive
51 Expenses; remuneration for special services. The Board may be paid (in accordance with
the expenses policy in force from time to time) all travelling, hotel, and other expenses
properly and reasonably incurred by them in connection with their attendance at
meetings of the Board or committees or working parties of the Board or otherwise in
connection with the discharge of their duties. Members of the Board may be remunerated
for services to the Association (beyond those customarily expected of and performed by a
non-executive director) subject to an annual maximum as determined by the Board.