BSUPA Trainers are appointed by the BSUPA training team the BSUPA board –to be able to train and validate instructors you need to in depth knowledge of SUP and be a existing BSUPA Level 1 and 2 instructor .You will also need to be able to deliver a certain amount of Instructor courses in a specific geographic region as required. All your qualification’s need to be up to date and you need to demonstrate that you are capable of delivering the required formatted instructor training courses. You will also be tasked with specific work for Bsupa and required to deliver finished paperwork back to BSUPA HQ. Trainers are expected to work within one teaching organization and act as ambassador’s for BSUPA and the sport of SUP.
By Application to BSUPA Committee,Training Team & chairman.
* To maintain a valid qualification as a BSUPA instructor of any level, a revalidation course must be attended every three years. Dates and locations for these are found on the BSUPA website.