BSUPA welcomes the following news regarding the launch of a new organisational structure for the GBSUP Race Series. Here’s to the hard work so far and congratulations to those who will be working hard to take this forward.
The following passage has been captured from a recent post by the GBSUP Race Series on Facebook:
Dear SUP Racers,
We know we have been a little quiet for a while, this is because we have been working hard in the background to get the 2018 season ready for you so that we can continue to build on the amazing work that Jo, Pete and the UKSUP team have done over the last 4 years.
Therefore, we are excited to announce that GBSUP will be operating two committees in 2018. The Competition Committee (CC) and the Events Committee (EC). We’ve thought very carefully about who’s best to help take the National series forward and we are really pleased to share with you the people that will be shaping 2018 and beyond. We are sure you will see that they all have a wealth of experience and passion for SUP and SUP racing. Please join us in welcoming them onboard. If you would like to know a little more about them, please follow this link (
Competition Committee
The CC will very much be focused on racing and have already been busy ratifying the rules for 2018 and the series points system. The team will also be overseeing race delivery including any additions or changes to formats, handling protests and gathering feedback on any improvements we can make each season.TEAM: ANDREA RICHARDSON, KERRY BAKER, FIONA BATSON, GLENN ELDRIDGE, DR BRYCE DYER, NICK WATT.
The Events Committee
The EC will be focused on everything around the race element of the events including communications, dealing with questions and looking after you all on race day. They will also be tasked with attracting more SUPers to take up racing as well as encouraging more under-represented groups of people to join us at events. This will include focusing on the social and wider inclusive elements that encourage people to take the first step.TEAM: SARAH THORNELY, ANNI RIDSDILL SMITH, SAM RUTT, ANNA LITTLE, ANTONY THORNELY, STEVE TROTT, BEN LONGHURST, STEVE RUTT.
Finally, just to say we are in the final stages of setting up GBSUP as a Not-For-Profit Community Interest Company (CICs) so that we can have full transparency of finances with a robust structure which will hopefully allow us to apply for Sports England funding for equipment and essentials if needed.
Thanks again for all your support so far! We know we won’t get everything right the first time, but we promise to listen and will do our best to put on the best events we can. We all look forward to seeing you on a start line in 2018.
Good times,