For attention of all waters including those involved in SUP, wind sports and diving:
Offshore piling of the Rampion wind farm, off the Sussex coast is due to recommence on 1st July (weather permitting) and the purpose of this communication is to raise awareness of the Project and associated construction activities once again, and re-communicate the potential risks to the diving community.
Divers & Sea Users Fact Sheet
As it was six months since we issued the Divers and Sea Users Fact Sheet, please find enclosed a second copy to remind you of our construction activities and potential risks to divers. I would be grateful if you could email this to your members and upload onto your website to help raise awareness to shore sea users who sail or dive in the local area.
Rampion Offshore Wind Farm Licence Boundary
Please also find attached a new laminated notice and chart which shows the Rampion Licence Boundary where the construction activities will be taking place. Please note, whilst the area included within the licence boundary is not an exclusion area, this is a major construction site and will be congested with large vessels, long anchor warps and high-speed craft for the next two years. For the safety of all sea users, there will also be a 500m radius statutory safety zone around major construction vessels.
Sea users should also not dwell on or near the proposed high speed craft route centre lines shown on the chart and be particularly vigilant in the vicinity of these routes. The routes are not prescriptive and are approximate. The high-speed craft will follow their passage plan and abide by Colregs and therefore could be some distance from the centre line. Should any of these routes change in the future, we will provide you with a further update.
There will be eight temporary cardinal buoys in place during construction, marked on the chart by purple triangles.
Weekly Notice of Operations and Notices to Mariners
To assist in maintaining communications throughout the construction period, we will continue to issue the Weekly Notice of Operations (WNO) to highlight the intended area and type of work, and the vessels that will be mobilised for the week ahead. We will also continue to issue Notices to Mariners (NTMs) to notify of new hazards. I would be very grateful if you would also publish these on your website and/or email them to your members. However, should you currently not be receiving these notices and wish to be included on the distribution list, please email [email protected]. Please note, this is an email service only.
On behalf of the Rampion Project Team, thank you for your support in helping us keep the area safe during these construction works.