Extreme Academy 2013 BSUPA National Surf Championships 5th & 6th October

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The countdown to this year’s championships has begun!


In the past twelve months the sport of SUP has been grown at an exceptional and positive rate. BSUPA has responded to this and taken the bold step to make this years competition BSUPA’s first, ever National SUP Wave Championship.


The Extreme Academy, Watergate Bay, located on Cornwall’s North Shore, with its dramatic towering coastline, and natural amphitheater shaped bay, will once again host 2013 BSUPA National SUP Wave Championships, and BSUPA wish to express their gratitude to Extreme Academy, Watergate Bay for their continued support in hosting and developing the competition.


Over the course of the weekend, competitors will duel it out in the Atlantic Swells to first claim BSUPA National SUP Wave Titles, and in addition battle to be crowned Watergate Bay Waterman. We are also please to announce we will be crowning our first Watergate Bay Waterwomen. The winner of these prestigious award’s, will also receive dinner for two at the Beach Hut, Watergate Bay.


Subject to available time and conditions, our aim is stage a Wave Expression Session.


Divisions for 2013 competition are as follows:

  • Open Men
  • Open Women
  • Under 16 Boys
  • Under 16 Girls


Competitor Enter Information

  • Entry is via BSUPA website. No Entry on the day
  • Entry will open at 9am on Monday 16th September and close at 6pm on Monday 30th September 2013
  • For Open Men Division there will be maximum entry of 42 competitor
  • To be able to qualify for the world championships you must become a fully paid BSUPA member, prior to the event.

Cost of entry for the Weekend (Both Saturday and Sunday)

  • £35 For BSUPA Members
  • £45 For NON-BSUPA Members
  • £30 For Junior BSUPA Members
  • £40 For Junior NON-BSUPA Members



On Friday 4th October BSUPA are offering individuals an opportunity for a days SUP Wave training with BSUPA Head Coach Simon Bassett. Limited places available, apply via BSUPA website or Richard Marsh, Event Organiser.


British Stand Up Paddleboard Association, are a non-profit making organization, established to promote a positive awareness to the sport in the UK and abroad, through its professional training program and, competitions


Wishing to learn how to get involved in the exciting sport of stand up paddle board contact BSUPA e-mail: [email protected] or visit www.bsupa.org.uk


Feel the spirit of the ocean with Extreme Academy – www.watergatebay.co.uk


Look forward to see you all on the beach.




Richard Marsh

Event Organizer

[email protected]