SUP Fitness Apps
Do you use SUP fitness apps or any other wearables during stand up paddle to improve your performance? During the past few years countless apps have been created for the purpose of getting more out of your sessions and pitching you against your peers. Maybe you’ve got a story to tell about how they have improved your quality of life?
We have the following SUP instructor courses in the near future at West Wittering Windsurf Club.BSUPA Level 1 Instructor Course – £199 – 5/6 November 2012
BSUPA Level 1 Conversion Course – £130 – 8 October (8 places)
BSUPA Level 2 Instructor course – £199 – 30/31 October with Simon Bassett & Andy Gratwick
BSUPA Surf Camp Watergare Bay £55 3 hours 12 October –Simon Bassett and Gareth Grant
Please contact Simon Bassett: [email protected] 0774 775 8883 or to book Chris at X-train 01243 513077
Why become a BSUPA instructor?
Teaching any sport you need to have a professional and structured approach, for the safety of your clients and you also need to be able to inspire and teach stand up paddle surfing to a high standard.
BSUPA’s aim is to create a teaching platform that combines core technical skills to teach stand up paddle surfing and inspire a new generation stand up paddlers to take up the sport in a safe and fun manner. The courses will provide a recognised qualification to water sports instructors who wish to develop their careers by teaching stand up paddle surfing.
The BSUPA scheme has been developed and written by Simon Bassett BSUPA and owner of X-Train and 2XS, and Andy Gratwick of Easy Riders in Poole both are joint head coaches for BSUPA.
Why X-Train, West Wittering?
Simon, the owner of X-Train and 2XS was one of the first ten SUP riders in the UK and has been teaching SUP since 2006. He wrote BSUPA instructor scheme and is co founder of BSUPA so when you come to West Wittering, you not only get the great location, you also get the top SUP trainers on hand to help you further your career. We are passionate about paddle surfing so you will get expert advice from people who really are into the sport. Plus West Wittering is great place to paddlesurf –flat water lagoons, waves on berties reef and outer banks and great access to Chichester Harbour. We have SUPS for rent and wetsuits if you don’t want to bring your own.
• RYA Powerboat Level 2; for coastal certificates
• Inland certificates do not require powerboat qualification.(see inland limitations)
• Minimum age 16
• Valid first aid qualification
• Paddle competancy,
1. competent on a range of boards sizes
2. Knowledge and execution of all basic and intermediate paddle stokes
3. Timed paddle test
4. Towing test
5. Unconscious casualty recovery
6. Group control and close quarter manoeuvres control
• Current member of BSUPA;
• Students without any previous water sports teaching experience or qualifications will be required to undertaker 3 hours of shadow teaching at a BSUPA School on the course you will be expected to deliver lecture topics on the following subjects (link) you will also be shown personal paddle technique tips and tune ups. You will have plenty practical water time where you will be shown how to deliver the BSUPA lesson plan –group control techniques as well as a paddle assessment and different methods of rescue recovery.Qualification scope
BSUPA level 1 Instructor qualifies an individual to teach beginner learn to ride courses to a maximum of 6 students on a suitable area of water within the infrastructure of a BSUPA recognizedschool
You can undertake your BSUPA Level one instructor course at the age of 16. YOU WILL NOT BE A FULLY LICENCED INSTRUCTOR UNTIL THE AGE OF 18. You can assist on courses under the supervision of a fully licensed instructor. You cannot be solely incharge of students or extend a class ratio.Inland
For instructors working on enclosed inland water with a maximum distance of 50m from land and no tidal influences. An RYA powerboat level 2 certificate is recommended but not required. See definition of ‘inland water’ below.LEVEL 1 CONVERSION COURSE
If you are a current RYA, BCU, BKSA, SLSA instructor you can attend a one day ‘direct access’ conversion course to become a level 1 BSUPA instructor.
You must have current valid certificates to prove qualification level.
Failure to reach the required standard in any areas of the instructor assessment will result in being required to attend the full BSUPA instructor level 1 course.
Level 2 separates the scheme into two areas, waves and flat water distance and exploration.
Intro to the waves,
• theory weather and tides;
• Getting out through surf and back ;
• Catching and the take off;
• Riding, trimming, turning and use of paddle in waves
• Etiquette, rescue, emergency stops and surf behavior
Level 2 to be taught in small to medium beach break waves on easily accessible surf beaches.
• theory weather and tides;
• Passage planning, exit routes, shelter and distance
• Equipment,boards, paddles, supplies, spares and safety gear
• Group size control and management
• Types of tour, distance, water state currents, towing technique and safetyLEVEL 2 INSTRUCTOR
Once you have gained 100 hours of logged teaching experience at a BSUPA recognized school in no less than 6 months, you can apply for your leve 2 instructor course.
Level 2 as above separates into two categories. Waves and distance.
Level 2 is separated into two disciplines which are developed to an advanced intermediate level.
For waves it involves board types, beach and wave selection. Etiquette, getting out, take off technique, turning, trimming, wipeouts, currents and rips and surf safety and ratiosFor distance it involves board types and selection, short medium and longer tours, rivers, coastlines, tides, windage, passage planning and exit routes, safety gear communications and ratios.
• 100 logged Hours as a BSUPA level 1 instructor
• BSUPA Level 1 Instructor Certificate;
• Minimum age 18;
• Paddle skills,
1. Complete level 1 paddle test.
2. Demonstrate a medium level of waveriding ability in moderate surf, catching/turning/trimming/getting out and in/etiquette
3. Demonstrate a medium/high level of fitness and experience in distance paddling and passage planning on both tidal and non tidal waters.
4. Provide video or still photos of your SUP technique in waves and on flat water (to be viewed on the course)
A qualified BSUPA level 2 Instructor can run or open a BSUPA recognized school. Teach in small to medium surf on beach breaking waves with a ratio of three students to one instructor.
Take level 1 ready to ride paddlers on short and medium length distance paddles and tours, with a maximum of 10 students to one instructor.
To book for West Wittering contact Simon Bassett [email protected] 0774 775 8883
For Poole and group bookings else where in the UK -Andy Gratwick [email protected]07980577893