BSUPA Covid-19 Advice

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Covid-19 pandemic advice for all Paddleboarders

We thought it would be useful to circulate some generic information from us the Lead National Association in the UK for Standup Paddleboarding regarding activities during the current COVID 19 pandemic. 

  • All our recognised schools nationwide are closed and no practical lessons are taking place. 
  • All events nationally are currently on hold, postponed or cancelled until further notice. 
  • All face to face coaching and training courses are cancelled until further notice. 
  • Advice to our entire community of paddleboarders across the UK is: 

‘Don’t go out and SUP’ at the moment

We are aware that a tiny percentage of our community are lucky enough to live on a beach and can walk to go out and SUP (lucky folk):

However, our advice (which is just that…advice) to all our members and all paddle boarders nationally, is please refrain from Paddle boarding currently. Our sport, although totally safe, still bears a risk of accidental injury and equipment failure which at this time is not worth taking and risks placing an extra burden on our NHS. 

Enjoy a walk, a run, a cycle. 

Stay home, protect the NHS, save lives