New & Improved Team GB Selection

We are looking to improve and formalise the TEAM GB selection and make the process more transparent, so all riders wishing to compete in TEAM GB have a clear understanding on how they can achieve a place and which categories they qualify for.

In summary,  Team GB is made up of Surf, Race SUP riders and Prone Surfers and is affiliated through BSUPA to SURFING GB to the ISA.

The first part of improving this process is for us to get feedback from athletes and the public to obtain as much input as possible, into how the process should take place and which events are seen as relevant and how these events should be formatted.

Suggestions have already been put forward for a panel or committee to take final charge of the Team selection, which would then represent all interested parties within SUP racing. We welcome suggestions for who should sit on this panel. Members of the industry, clubs, organisations and race representatives should all be considered.

Below is a Survey Monkey Link if you could take time to fill this in at your earliest possible convenience that would be much appreciated.

This survey will then be shared for wider consultation before the end of April.

Have your say, click here.

Thanks from the BSUPA Team !