BSUPA Insurance

To understand what the covers is and to see the main terms and conditions that apply please make sure you refer to the policy summary and policy wording.  Click here to read or download a copy of the Liability Insurance Summary (attached) Liability Policy Wording (attached).

The Liability insurance policies will cover

Public Liability

Cover for clubs and/or members if they are found to be legally responsible for causing bodily injury to third party (such as a member of the public or another member) or for damage to a third party’s property. 

For copies of any of these documents or if you have any queries about the cover please contact our brokers,  Marsh Sports Ltd 0345 872 5060

When does the cover operate?

The Liability apply when a member of BSUPA is engaged within the sport of Stand Up Paddle, including participation in competition or representation of the insured, social events (recognised by the insured) and general promotion of the sport.

Our policies are annual policies and run from March to March but this does not affect your membership expiry date. 

The policies’ limits are as follows:


Public Liability – cover for your legal liability of up to £5M


It is important that all incidents that may give rise to a claim, however minor, are reported to our insurance broker Marsh Sport Ltd as soon as possible after the event.

Please email all incidents to or telephone 0345 872 5060 to report this directly to our brokers.