After numerous meeting, discussions, feedback from BSUPA Survey a decision has been made on how the selection will be for 2016 TEAM GB for the next SUP and PRONE ISA worlds.
There were many options to start with which included –selection by committee –selection by series of events and single event selection. The steering group committee from all areas of SUP and all groups were invited. Matt Knight Surfing GB (ISA Partner), Nik Baker – Fanatic (SUP Industry), Chris Kenyon (SUPUK) declined to be part of this group,Will Rogers ,Supboarder (SUP Media ), Simon Bassett BSUPA (2015 TEAM GB Manager),Scott Warren Starboard (Sup industry), Scott Woods (Prone Paddleboard) .
Sam Ross assisted in putting together the Survey.
This is the result from the steering group/ committee is the following.
Rules to based on ISA Rules, Board Class, Nationality (which may be subject to change ).
- UK Nationals only (valid UK Passport )
- Riders to have a BSUPA membership – BSUPA insure the events – BSUPA affiliate to SURFING GB who are sanctioned by the ISA.
- Male and Female equality- subject to ISA national team selection numbers.
SURF SUP – use current BSUPA Nationals 1st & 2nd Male Selected – then 1st female –based on ISA judging format –places then ratified by selection committee (the selection committee reserve the right to offer places not just based on event result but in best interest of TEAM GB)
PRONE – Tech And Race –selection will be made from paddleboard tech and distance 1st male in each , 1st female in both tech and distance . (the selection committee reserve the right to offer places not just based on event result but in best interest of TEAM GB )
SUP RACE AND TECH – based on 1st ,2nd 3rd place Male and 1st and 2nd place female –the winner of each discipline i.e. tech or race will have first option compete in both events (the selection committee reserve the right to offer places not just based on event result but in best interest of TEAM GB )
Team GB Selection will be published after selection committee have ratified results from SUP SURF AND PRONE SUP event November 2015 –it should be noted currently that TEAM GB is privately funded by each rider –BSUPA have paid and will continue to cover ISA event entry costs –Any rider who chooses not to take up their place will have 7 days after TEAM place is offered to them confirm in writing (by email) to accept or decline and that place ,if declined the place will be offered to next place in line.
Relay team will selected from TEAM GB either at event or before subject to event schedule .
Learn from previous season, events, selection issues ,concerns and team results.
Attempt to have 3 selection events –for sup surf –sup race and tech and sup prone.
Develop structure for volunteer coaches ,team managers, team support, media support to finance travel with team.
Encourage training camps and elite performance to elevate TEAM GB performance into 10 top /top 5 in the world –use experts and ex TEAM GB competitors to add their experience and expertise.
Create a structured plan to get TEAM GB to win and improve results top level at international comps.
Use NGB status to unlock finance for future TEAM GB development.
- Surfing GB Director Matt Knight
- BSUPA Chairman Simon Bassett
- ISA SUP SURF JUDGE to be appointed
- EX TEAM GB member to be appointed (Any issues with Female Surf selection I will stand down from that decision with this if there is a conflict of interest )
Event dates 2016 – ISA TEAM GB Selection Events
- BSUPA – SUP SURF Nationals
Watergate Bay – 10/11 October 2015 - BSUPA –RACE –TECH Nationals
Prone Paddleboard and SUP Nationals – Carbis Bay 7/8 November 2015